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What renders Germen’s photography in Muta-morphosis and Facsimile unique is the way in which he “distinctly” reveals, through the use of metaphors, the tempo of acceleration in social change, without further recourse to description or rhetoric.

This approach which reveals the various layers of global cities in essence, without criticizing, questioning or comparing, is first and foremost of a humanist nature; therefore, it does not emphasize either the human figure itself or its portrait, but, rather, its labor, its dedicated effort, and its creations. The city, fields of industrial production and nature shaped by the human hand form, as a leitmotif, the backbone of Murat Germen’s photography, and this should be seen as an internalization of both series.
The artist often performs this internalization in a manner that goes beyond photographic technique and assumes the character of contemporary art; it also reveals the development of his “personal point of view” through a challenging and genuinely interdisciplinary process.

Skira by Murat Germen

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